Morro de São Paulo

Sunday 16th February 2014

The most amazing birthday ever!

For my birthday, Ismael organised the most amazing surprise. I could never have dreamed that I’d be somewhere so cool for my birthday. I was almost too old to be somewhere this cool. The first time we stepped onto the beach I thought 17 year old Leena would have gone insane in this place. As it turned out it wasn’t just 17 year old Leena that could appreciate it.

Morro de São Paulo is a small town on Ilha de Tinharé in the Arquipélago de Tinharé, 90 minutes off the coast from Salvador. Vehicles with engines are not allowed there and when we stepped off the boat we were greeted by men with wheel barrows with ‘taxi’ written on them. The town has apparently only had electricity since the 80s. Now it’s a small but popular tourist destination with miles and miles of beautiful coastline. The beaches are sandy and there are two tides a day. The sea is shallow and rocks form natural pools between the beach and the ocean. Consequently the sea is as warm as a jacuzzi, something I have never experienced before. At first it’s such a surprise it’s almost unsettling but one soon gets used to not shivering their way into the sea.

There are four beaches within walking distance from the town; they progressively get quieter and larger the further you walk. The first beach is overlooked by some small hotels, the second is the party beach and feels like the heart of the town, it has restaurants, bars, little shops selling beachwear and much to my surprise even a couple of small supermarkets. The third beach is quieter, the bars and restaurants end and most of it is not accessible when the tide is in. The fourth beach is practically deserted, it takes the best part of a day to walk to the end of it from the first beach.

There is a beach for every mood. I had never really dreamt of being in the paradise beach setting that is so popular an idea, but this place certainly fit the description. The water was like crystal green-blue, the sky clear and blue all day. The sunsets were beautiful but even more astonishing was the night sky. The moonlight was like nothing I had ever seen before. We sat and ate dinner under it every night and every night I couldn’t help but leave the dinner table to try to capture it on my camera. On my birthday after dinner we went to a beach party. I had never been to a beach party before.

What a way to spend my birthday! With Ismael! What a lucky lady I am! Unforgettable!

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