Category Archives: Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls

Friday 4th February 2014

Iguazu Falls, Brazil

We took the overnight bus from Buenos Aires to the town of Iguazu on the Argentine side of the waterfalls. In contrasts to the mild weather we had in Buenos Aires, Iguazu was hot, very hot; it was in the mid to high 40s everyday we were there. It was too hot to have a shred of patience. I took to using an umbrella as a parasol. The town was nice. We found a coffee place run by a couple of friendly Brazilians and for our stay their iced coffee became a twice daily requirement.

We had a day and a half to get used to the heat before we ventured to see the falls; it wasn’t enough. We started on the Brazilian side, spending the day there. I would go as far as saying it made enjoying the experience of seeing one of ‘god’s miracles’ hard. It was a sight but still hard to breath.

Iguazu Falls, Argentina

The Argentine side was much more to absorb than the Brazilian side. We took two boat trips, one of them went right up to the base of the falls. There were many more paths and we were lucky enough to be given some great advice in terms of which order to walk the paths in. The last path was the most memorable  – rainbows, rainbows and more rainbows. I mean everyone knows about Iguazu Falls, you expect to see a beautiful place with huge waterfalls but to my surprise the last path was an experiecne I could not have imagined… Wow!